Air Peace: Passenger protests flight delay, asks for compensation

Olayinka Oyegbile ooyegbile
Olayinka Oyegbile ooyegbile

An airline passenger, Adeyinka Moyosore Kotoye, has protested the delay of his flight from Lagos to Abuja by the Air Peace Airlines.

In a letter of protest to the Managing Director of the airline, he said he was unhappy about the rough treatment he received from the airline and its crew.

According to Kotoye, his flight which was earlier scheduled for 7:30 pm was shifted several times. He eventually had to leave Lagos for Abuja at 11pm and arriving Abuja past midnight.

According to him, “I had to sleep at the airport because it was too dangerous and risky for me, to proceed to my destination, at that time and at great risk to my health.”

He, therefore asked the airline  to write a letter of apology, to all the passengers, and have it to be published, in at least one  daily newspaper, 30 days of the receipt of this email.

He also demanded that evidence of the email be sent by email within 48 hours.

Details of the letter read:



Dear Sir,


My name is Adeyinka Moyosore Kotoye. I purchased your return ticket, with booking reference: AP4L94 and E-ticket numbers 7102307422319/1 and 7102307422319/2, for Lagos/Abuja on Monday 12/07/2021, @ 7.20pm and Abuja/Lagos on Tuesday 13/07/2021 @ 9.10pm.

On Monday 12/07/2021, at about 1pm, I received a mail from you that, the flight earlier scheduled for 7.20pm, has been shifted to 8.50pm.

Relying on this and in accordance with the Covid protocol, I arrived at the old domestic terminal at around 6.30pm and checked in, only to notice on the boarding pass that, the flight with number P47126, was scheduled for boarding at 9.20pm, instead of 8.50pm earlier stated in your aforementioned mail.

At the waiting lounge, I also discovered that there had been, two earlier flights, which had been delayed and whose passengers had waited, for over three hours.

In any case, your airline kept me and other passengers waiting, at the airport, without any apology and/or explanations, for almost five (5) hours. There was no refreshment either and which is contrary to statutory stipulations. We didn’t board until 11.05pm. We got to Abuja, at 12.10am on Tuesday, 13/07/2021.

I had to sleep at the airport because it was too dangerous and risky for me, to proceed to my destination, at that time and at great risk to my health.

The above is in addition, to the fact that both the cabin crew and the pilot, were extremely rude and unprofessional.

I consider this situation, as untoward and a blemish, on your image, as a corporate entity and given the fact that, I am on your frequent flyer scheme.



  1. A letter of apology, to be personally written, to all the passengers, on that flight and a copy to be published, in at least one [1] daily newspaper, within thirty (30) days of the receipt of this email.
  2. Evidence of the email, mentioned above must be sent to me, by email within 48 hours.
  3. The Letter must contain, an undertaking that, no such future occurrence, will be occasioned again, at your instance/behest, either directly or through any of your staff.

Please be assured of my highest regards.


Yours faithfully,

  1. M. Kotoye, FCTI.


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