CAPPA launches #Smokefree Nollywood Skit Challenge

Tunji Buhari tunji
Tunji Buhari tunji

The Corporate Accountability and Public Participation Africa (CAPPA) has launched the #Smokefree Nollywood Skit Challenge which seeks to increase awareness on the dangers of smoking and increase the pool of youths campaigning against the habit.

According to the group, the competition is targeted at youths in the 18–35-year bracket. Contestants are expected to create a video of not more than two minutes and twenty seconds (2:20mins) with messages on the dangers of smoking and a call to action which is essentially to urge the Nigerian government to enforce the ban on Tobacco Advertising Promotion and Sponsorships (TAPS) with emphasis on the entertainment industry.

After recording the short video, contestants are to upload it on Instagram and tag @Tobaccocontrol. Contestants must follow all Tobacco Control social media accounts Instagram: Tobaccocontrol Twitter & Facebook: Tobaccoctrl. All entries should be submitted latest May 31st, 2022.

In a statement announcing the competition, CAPPA said the intervention is targeted at reversing the tobacco industry strategy of recruiting replacement smokers through videos and a host of digital contents, and instead engaging the creative abilities of the youths to spread anti-tobacco messages including the need for strict enforcement of the ban on TAPS.

CAPPA Executive Director, Akinbode Oluwafemi said:

“This is a great opportunity to exploit the same platform that the tobacco industry manipulates to hook and addict the youths. Unlike the industry, we are showing the creative talents of our youths and recruiting them to spread the tobacco control message. The youths have a choice, and their choice is not to be replacement smokers”

To arrive at the most creative entries, the five most watched/engaged videos will be picked. A panel will then scrutinize the content of the videos, from which the best three will emerge. The contestant with the best video will receive a digital camera while the second and third place winners will get a laptop and mobile phone respectively. The announcement will be made at a media event which will have tobacco control champions and anti-smoking groups in attendance. This grand event will be used to spotlight the efforts of young people in the advocacy for a #Smokefree Nollywood.

The #Smokefree Nollywood Skit Challenge is another creative youth initiative from CAPPA. In 2019 the organisation also created the TC Rap Challenge – a music competition targeted at creating awareness on enforcement of the National Tobacco Control (NTC) Act 2015 and Tobacco Regulations.

Click the link below to know more and enter for the competition:


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